Nasolabial Filler

What Does Nasolabial Filler Do?

Nazolabial dolgu yaygın olarak “gülme çizgisi dolgusu” olarak da bilinir ve yüz estetiğinde önemli bir role sahiptir. Bu dolgu, burun kenarlarından ağız köşelerine kadar uzanan, gülümseme ve mimik hareketleriyle zamanla derinleşen nazolabial kıvrımları hedef alır. Dolgunun amacı, bu çizgilerin görünümünü azaltmak ve daha genç, pürüzsüz bir cilt görünümü sağlamaktır. Dolgu maddesi, hyaluronik asit gibi ciltle uyumlu, vücut tarafından zamanla emilebilen maddelerden oluşur. Nazolabial dolgu yüz ifadesini canlandırmak, yaşlanma belirtilerini hafifletmek ve yüz konturlarını daha belirgin hale getirmek için etkili bir yöntemdir. Sonuçlar hemen görülebilir. Ancak, dolgunun etkisi geçicidir ve belirli aralıklarla yenilenmesi gerekir.


For whom is nasolabial filler suitable?

Those Showing Signs of Aging: With time and the natural effects of aging, deepening lines and folds may occur in the nasolabial area. Nasolabial filling is suitable for people who want to reduce these folds and achieve a younger appearance.

Those Affected by Facial Expressions: People who have lines in this area due to laughter and other facial expressions can benefit from nasolabial filling.

Those Disturbed by Mimic Lines: Mimic lines that become evident with facial expressions can be a source of aesthetic concern for some people. Nasolabial filler offers an effective solution to alleviate these lines.

How is nasolabial filling done?

During nasolabial filling, also known as filling in the corner of the mouth, fillers such as hyaluronic acid, which are compatible with the body and can be absorbed over time, are used. At the beginning of the procedure, the areas where the filler will be injected are determined by the specialist and these areas are cleaned. Then, the filler is carefully injected into the nasolabial area, that is, the lines extending from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth, with the help of a fine needle. In this process, the filler is used to reduce the depth of the lines and give the area a smoother appearance.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. This minimizes the patient’s pain and discomfort. After the procedure, mild swelling and bruising may occur. However, the side effects subside within a few days. Nasolabial filler is an effective method to lighten the lines around the mouth and give a more youthful appearance to the facial expression. It should be noted that the results of the procedure may vary from person to person and may need to be repeated at certain intervals.

Things to Consider After Nasolabial Filler

The things to be considered after smile line filling are as follows:

  • Gently clean the treatment area in the first few days.
  • Use the skin care products recommended by the doctor for redness at the injection sites, if any.
  • Avoid scratching or constant touching of the injection site.
  • Keep your skin moisturized by drinking plenty of water after the procedure.
  • If you notice anything unusual after the procedure, consult your doctor immediately.

Is Hardness Normal After Nasolabial Fillers?

It is normal to experience a temporary feeling of stiffness in the application area after the nasolabial filler procedure. This is part of the process of the injected filler settling and integrating with the tissues. The feeling of stiffness decreases and disappears within a few days. If the stiffness persists for a long time or reaches an uncomfortable level, it is important to consult a health care professional. The specialist can assess a possible complication and recommend appropriate treatment if necessary. The healing process after the filling procedure may vary from individual to individual. Therefore, it would be useful to consult your specialist for detailed information about the symptoms that are considered normal after the procedure and the expected healing process.

Nasolabial Filler Price

Nazolabial dolgu fiyatları çeşitli faktörlere göre değişiklik gösterir. Bu faktörler arasında kullanılan dolgu maddesinin türü, dolgu markası, uygulama yapılacak dolgu miktarı ve işlemi gerçekleştiren uzmanın tecrübesi yer alır. Ayrıca, kliniğin sağladığı olanaklar da fiyatlandırmada etkili olabilir. Bu nedenle nazolabial dolgu için bir fiyat aralığı vermek zordur.  Nazolabial dolgu fiyatı hakkında daha net bilgi almak için bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

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