Şükrü Turan

Have a functional and natural nose that suits your face with rhinoplasty surgery that addresses both treatment and cosmetic purposes at the same time.


Natural and Healthy appearance...

Health and beauty are sensitive and private matters. We would like to explain why you can trust us in your journey with us in the field of plastic surgery. With our experienced and certified team of specialists, we offer careful and effective solutions tailored to each patient. Using the latest technologies and innovative techniques, we provide safe and satisfaction-oriented treatments. We prioritize your expectations with our personalized treatment plans and open communication. At every step, we act ethically and transparently, so that you can make informed decisions. The trust of our patients is our top priority.


Our Areas of Specialization.


Effective and safe solution for body shaping.

Facial Aesthetics

Precision approaches for aesthetic and functional improvements.

Non-Surgical Aesthetics

Maximum beauty with minimal intervention.


Natural methods for skin regeneration and revitalization.


True Stories,
True Results.

For us, every patient is the hero of their own story. In this gallery, we share real photos of our patients before and after our operations and aesthetic procedures.


Why you should trust us?

Health and beauty are sensitive and private matters. We would like to explain why you can trust us in your journey with us in the field of plastic surgery.

Expertise and experience

We have more than 6 years of experience in rhinoplasty, bichectomy, prominent ear and eyelid aesthetics and other aesthetic operations.

Personalized goals

We listen to our patients' goals and concerns and develop individualized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs.

Happy results

We aim to provide you with a natural and more aesthetic appearance as a result of the operation without neglecting functionality.

We are always with you

We provide a supportive, caring environment and always stay in touch to support your overall health before and after the operation.


Opinions of Our Patients

Every patient’s story is valuable to us. In this section, we share with you the experiences, thoughts and changes in the health of our patients treated at our clinic. Real comments here are the biggest motivation for us and give you an idea about our services.

Yaklaşık 2 yıl önce burun ameliyatı oldum. Ameliyat sürecimi çok az ağrı ve çok az morlukla geçirdim ayrıca sürecim boyunca Şükrü Bey çok ilgiliydi. Korkularım vardı fakat gayet rahat bir ameliyat ve çok rahat bir süreç geçirdim. Şükrü Bey bizi hiç kırmadı, şimdi de kız kardeşim burun ameliyatı olacak. Herkese çok teşekkürler biz çok memnun kaldık:)(Translated by Google) I had nose surgery about 2 years ago. I went through my surgery with very little pain and very little bruising, and Mr. Şükrü was very attentive throughout my process. I had fears, but I had a very comfortable surgery and a very comfortable process. Mr. Şükrü never let us down, and now my sister is going to have nose surgery. Thank you very much everyone, we are very satisfied 🙂

Burun ameliyati olalı 1 yıl oldu ameliyatimda iyileşme sürecimde çok güzel ve rahat geçti.Şükrü bey ve ekibi her konuda ve her zaman destek oldu çok teşekkür ediyorum kendilerine.(Translated by Google) It has been 1 year since I had nose surgery and my recovery process was very nice and comfortable. Mr. Şükrü and his team supported me in every way and at all times, I thank them very much.

Uzun zamandır düşünüp araştırdığım bir konuydu burun ameliyatı. Şükrü Bey ile görüştükten sonra ertesi gün ameliyata karar vermiş şekilde buldum kendimi. Doktor beyin güven verici tavrı kararımı bu kadar hızlı vermemde etkili oldu, süreç hakkında ayrıntılı, gerçekçi, samimi şekilde bilgilendirme yaptı. Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrasında herşeyi en ince ayrıntısına kadar anlattığı için soracak soru bile kalmıyordu karşısında. Kemik eğriliği ve estetik ameliyatı oldum şu an ameliyatımın 11. Gününden yazıyorum herşey yolunda nefes alma konusunda çok ciddi fark var şimdiden çok iyi nefes alabiliyorum ve burnumun yeni hali oturmaya başladı son halinden çok memnun kalacağımı şimdiden hissedebiliyorum. Duygu Hanım ile de süreç boyunca kolayca iletişimdeydik ve samimi bir şekilde sorularımla ilgilendi. Çok teşekkür ediyorum ekibinize korktuğum bir süreci Şükrü Bey ve ekibi sayesinde güven içinde geçiriyorum.(Translated by Google) Rhinoplasty was a subject I had been thinking about and researching for a long time. After meeting with Mr. Şükrü, I found myself deciding to have surgery the next day. The doctor's reassuring attitude helped me make my decision so quickly, and he provided detailed, realistic and sincere information about the process. Since he explained everything in detail before and after the surgery, there were no questions left for him. I had bone curvature and plastic surgery. I am writing on the 11th day of my surgery. Everything is fine. There is a significant difference in breathing. I can already breathe very well and the new shape of my nose has started to fit. I can already feel that I will be very pleased with the final shape. We were in easy communication with Ms. Duygu throughout the process and she sincerely dealt with my questions. Thank you very much to your team, I am going through a process that I was afraid of, safely thanks to Mr. Şükrü and his team.

Uzun yıllar cesaret edemeyip ve uzunca araştırmalarım sonucunda Şükrü Bey’i buldum. Kendisiyle ilk görüşmemiz oldukça iyiydi, tüm süreci neler olacağını nelerin olmayacağını tüm netliği ile bana açıkladı. Ameliyat olup olmama konusundaki kararımı netleştirmek adına bu görüşme çok önemliydi. Çoğunlukla nefes problemi yaşayan birisiydim görsel bir farktan ziyade benim icin önemli bir konuydu. Ameliyat günü anlaşmalı oldukları gayet güzel ve yeterli bir hastanede ameliyatımı oldum kendisi ameliyat sonrası oda bilgilendirmesi için hemen oradaydı. Ameliyattan sonra hep iletişimdeydik, 1.haftası ,2. Haftası, 3.haftası ve daha sonra daha da seyrekleşen kontroller ile ilgili bir süreç geçirdim. Asistanı Duygu hanım ile sürekli iletişim halinde olabilmek aklıma takılan tüm soruları sorabilmekteydim. Şu an 5 aya girdim hem görsel olarak hemde nefes alma konusunda hiç bir sıkıntım yok. Dr. Şükrü Beye ve ekibine çok teşekkür ediyorum.(Translated by Google) After not having the courage for many years and after much research, I found Mr. Şükrü. Our first meeting with him was very good, he explained the whole process to me clearly, what would happen and what would not happen. This meeting was very important in clarifying my decision about whether to have surgery or not. I was someone who often had breathing problems, so it was an important issue for me rather than a visual difference. On the day of the surgery, I had my surgery at a very good and adequate hospital with which they had an agreement, and he was there immediately to inform me about the room after the surgery. We were always in touch after the surgery, week 1 and week 2. I went through a period of check-ups that became less frequent in the first week, the third week, and then more. Being in constant communication with her assistant Ms. Duygu, I was able to ask all the questions that came to my mind. I'm now 5 months old and I have no problems both visually and breathing. Dr. I would like to thank Mr. Şükrü and his team very much.

Çok beğeniyorum doktorumun işini. Görüp görebileceğiniz en iyi estetik doktoru(Translated by Google) I really like my doctor's job. The best aesthetic doctor you will ever see

Geçen yıl kendisine ameliyat olan iki arkadaşımın önerisiyle gittim.Burnumda nefes alma problemim vardı ve biraz da şeklini beğenmiyordum ilk görüşmede çok detaylı bilgi aldım hatta ilk başta ameliyat olmaktan korktum sonrasında cesaretimi toplayarak kendisine ameliyat oldum gerek ameliyat öncesi gerek ameliyat sonrası takiplerde titiz ve ilgili davrandılar sonuçtan çok memnun kaldım. Düşünen herkes şüphesiz gidebilir.(Translated by Google) I went to him on the recommendation of two of my friends who had surgery last year. I had a breathing problem in my nose and I didn't like the shape of it. I got very detailed information in the first meeting, even I was afraid of having surgery at first, then I gathered my courage and had the surgery. They were meticulous and attentive during both pre- and post-operative follow-ups. I was very pleased. Anyone who thinks can undoubtedly go.

2 senedir istedigim burun ameliyatini arastirip buldugum Şükrü Beyden 1 ay once ameliyat oldum. islem basindan bu zamana kadar cok ilgili olup istedigim sekilden ne eksik ne fazla sekilde yaptiklari icin cok memnunum simdiden. eger burun ameliyati olmayi dusunuyorsaniz hic dusunmeden Şükrü Beye olmanizi oneririm(Translated by Google) I had the surgery 1 month ago from Mr. Şükrü, who I searched for and found the nose surgery I wanted for 2 years. I am very pleased that they have been very attentive from the beginning of the transaction until now and have done what I wanted, no more or no less. If you are thinking of having nose surgery, I recommend you to undergo Şükrü Bey without hesitation.

(Translated by Google) My experience with a nose job at Şükrü Turan was great. As a fastidious person, I felt extremely comfortable there. Already at the first conversation I felt a strong sympathy. Every detail was taken into account and I was fully informed. During the consultation, I immediately realized that Mr. Turan is very sincere, as he made it clear to me from the beginning that he would respect my wishes, but only to the extent possible. This openness was crucial for me. The operation went excellently, without any pain, and I was able to resume my everyday life immediately. I was also extremely satisfied with the first inspection. I was explained step by step in every procedure. The team was very friendly and I had a good feeling about the whole thing from the start and can only recommend them!(Original) Meine Erfahrung mit einer Nasen-OP bei Şükrü Turan war super. Als eine penible Person fühlte ich mich dort äußerst wohl. Bereits beim ersten Gespräch spürte ich eine starke Sympathie. Es wurde auf jedes Detail eingegangen und ich wurde umfassend informiert. Während der Beratung wurde mir sofort klar, dass Herr Turan sehr aufrichtig ist, da er mir von Anfang an klar machte, dass er meine Wünsche respektieren würde, aber nur im Rahmen des Möglichen. Diese Offenheit war für mich von entscheidender Bedeutung. Die OP verlief hervorragend, ohne jegliche Schmerzen, und ich konnte meinen Alltag sofort wieder aufnehmen. Auch bei der ersten Kontrolle war ich äußerst zufrieden. Ich wurde Schritt für Schritt bei jeder Vorgehensweise aufgeklärt. Das Team war sehr freundlich und ich hatte von Anfang an ein gutes Gefühl bei der ganzen Sache und kann Ihn nur weiterempfehlen!

(Translated by Google) I had rhinoplasty 2 months ago, I’m very pleased with the result 👍 the doctor is very neat and attentive to details. I didn't have any big boners after surgery or much pain. The recovery process is going well, I really like the shape of my nose, the doctor removed the hump on the nose and the separation at the tip of the nose. I'll leave before and after photos 😃(Original) Делала ринопластику 2 месяца назад, очень довольна результатом 👍 врач очень аккуратный и внимательный к деталям. У меня не было больших стояков после операции и сильной боли. Процесс восстановления проходит отлично, форма носа мне очень нравится, врач убрал горбинку на носу и разделение на кончике носа. Оставляю фото до и после 😃

Tesekur ederim bütün sürec cok guzeldi(Translated by Google) Thank you, the whole process was very nice.

Rinoplasti ameliyatım harika geçti ameliyat süreci mükemmeldi teşekkür ederim(Translated by Google) My rhinoplasty surgery went great, the surgery process was perfect, thank you.

Doktor beyin ameliyatlarından çok memnunuz.ellerine sağlık kendisine teşekkür ediyorum.Başarılarının devamını diliyorum.(Translated by Google) We are very pleased with the doctor's brain surgery. I thank him for his good work. I wish him continued success.

Dr. Turan performed my blepharoplasty surgery. It was painless and comfortable, I was informed about the entire procedure, thank you for everything.

Her şey için çok teşekür ederiz.(Translated by Google) Thank you very much for everything.


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Contact us.

You can always contact us in case of any question/problem. Our expert team members will answer your questions with satisfaction.


Yeşilbahçe, 1451. St. No:8,
07160 Muratpaşa/Antalya


+90 541 372 68 32

