Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Who is Eyelid Surgery Suitable for? 

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is preferred to correct eyelids that have become loose or sagging due to the effects of aging. This operation can improve a person’s overall facial expression by making the eyelids look younger and more vibrant. Blepharoplasty is also performed for conditions that affect the functionality of the eyelids. For example, excessively drooping eyelids can obstruct vision, in which case surgery can be performed to widen the field of vision. In addition, aesthetic concerns such as excess fat deposits or asymmetry in the eyelids can also be addressed with blepharoplasty.

Eyelid surgeryhealthy people who do not have any health problems that will prevent eyelid surgery and who have complaints about their eyelids are suitable for this operation. It is important for people considering blepharoplasty to undergo a detailed medical check-up before the operation and to share their full medical history with their surgeon.


Why is Eyelid Surgery Performed?

Age and Skin Elasticity: Individuals who show the effects of the aging process are suitable candidates for this surgery. Generally, people aged 35 years and older and younger individuals may also be suitable for surgery due to genetic factors. The natural elasticity of the skin plays an important role in the postoperative healing process.

Changes in the Eyelid: Sagging or swollen eyelids are among the most common reasons for eyelid surgery. These conditions can cause both aesthetic and functional problems. In particular, excessive drooping of the upper eyelid can limit the field of vision.

Health Condition: Candidates must be in good general health. The surgery may be riskier for people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, dry eye, glaucoma, hypertension or those who use certain medications. Such conditions may increase the potential complications of the surgery.

Smoking: Smoking may adversely affect the healing process after surgery. Smokers are advised to quit smoking before and after the operation.

Realistic Expectations: It is important for candidates to have realistic expectations of their surgical outcome. Blepharoplasty can have a rejuvenating effect, but it would be unrealistic to expect a complete transformation of the face. It is expected to provide a more youthful and vigorous appearance. 

What are the Risks of Eyelid Surgery?

Although eyelid surgery, blepharoplasty, is considered a safe procedure, as with any surgical procedure, there are some risks. These risks may arise from both the nature of the surgery and the individual health status of the person.

The most common postoperative problems include the risk of infection and bruising around the eyes. These are usually mild and can be easily managed with appropriate care and treatment. There may be temporary or permanent loss of sensation in the skin around the eyes. In addition, rare conditions such as asymmetry of the eyelid, incomplete closure of the eyelid  may also occur. Such complications may sometimes require additional surgical interventions.

However, such serious complications are extremely rare and the risk is minimal when performed by an experienced surgeon.

How is Eye Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Performed?

The main goal of upper eyelid surgery is to lift sagging skin and thus provide a more open, youthful appearance and, if necessary, to widen the field of vision. The surgeon makes an incision in the natural fold of the eyelid. In this way, the scar that will develop due to the incision is hidden in the natural fold line. Excess skin, muscle and sometimes fat tissue is removed and the incision is then closed with sutures.

Lower eyelid surgery is performed to remove bags and sagging under the eyes. The surgeon makes an incision just below the lower eyelash line or on the inside of the eyelid and removes excess skin tissue and excess fat tissue.

Both operations are performed under local anesthesia, sometimes with sedation. The duration of the surgery may vary depending on the procedure and the condition of the person. However, it takes approximately 45 minutes – 1 hourfor both eyelids. Swelling and bruising around the eyes may occur after surgery, but these effects usually subside within a few weeks. Following the doctor’s advice during the healing process reduces the risk of infection and ensures the best result.

What to Pay Attention to After Low Eyelid Surgery? 

Rest: Rest is very important for the first few days after surgery. Avoid straining your eyes during this time.

Ice Application: Regularly applying ice packs to the eye area within the first 48 hours helps reduce swelling and bruising.

Head Position: Keep your head in an elevated position while sleeping and resting. It helps reduce swelling.

Eye Drops and Ointments: Regularly use eye drops and ointments recommended by your doctor.

No Contact with Water: Avoid contact with water for the first few days after surgery.

Makeup and Contact Lens Use: Avoid wearing make-up and contact lenses during full recovery.

Sun Protection: Protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays by wearing sunglasses.

Avoid Heavy Activities: Avoid heavy sports and strenuous physical activities.

Doctor Checkups: Attend all doctor appointments as scheduled and follow your doctor’s instructions.

Eyelid Surgery Price 2024

Göz kapağı ameliyatı (blefaroplasti) fiyatları birçok faktöre bağlı olarak değişkenlik gösterebilir. Blefaroplasti fiyatları ameliyatın yapılacağı klinik, cerrahın tecrübesi, ameliyatın karmaşıklığı ve kapsamı gibi unsurlara göre farklılık gösterir. Ameliyatın maliyetini belirleyen bir diğer önemli faktör işlemin kapsamıdır. Sadece üst göz kapağı ameliyatı ile hem üst hem de alt göz kapağı ameliyatının birlikte yapılması arasında maliyet farkı olabilir. Ek olarak, ameliyatın parçası olarak yapılan herhangi bir ek prosedür veya tedavi de maliyeti etkileyebilir.

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