Brow Lift

Who is Brow Lift Surgery Suitable for?

Brow lift surgery is suitable for people who want to rejuvenate their facial expression and give a more dynamic appearance. This surgery aims to correct a sleepy, tired or sad expression caused by sagging skin, especially in the forehead and brow area. Ideal candidates are;

  • Those who experience loosening and sagging of the skin on the forehead and above the eyebrows.
  • Those who feel that the low position of the eyebrows makes them look sleepy, tired or sad all the time.
  • People whose visual field is restricted due to excess skin over the eyelids.
  • Individuals with relatively good skin elasticity and dissatisfied with low eyebrow structure.
  • People who are in good general health and do not have significant health problems that would prevent surgical intervention.

Kaş kaldırma ameliyatı, kişinin yüz yapısına ve estetik beklentilerine uygun olarak uygulanır. Bu nedenle ameliyatı düşünen hastaların, mümkün olan sonuçlar ve prosedürün detayları hakkında bilgi almak için deneyimli bir cerrah ile görüşmelidir. Cerrah, hastanın bireysel durumunu değerlendirerek ameliyatın uygun olup olmadığına ve beklenebilecek sonuçlara dair net bilgiler verecektir.


How Is Brow Lift Surgery Performed?

Brow lift surgery is performed to correct sagging skin on the forehead and above the eyebrows. During this surgery, the surgeon lifts the skin in the forehead area, pulling the eyebrows upwards and providing a more youthful appearance. The surgery is performed through the hairline or directly over the eyebrows. The incision sites are carefully chosen by the surgeon so that the scars are as little visible as possible. The surgeon carefully lifts and reshapes the skin and underlying tissue. During this procedure, the eyebrows are placed in a natural position and facial expression is revitalized. Brow lift surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia and the duration of surgery may vary depending on the patient’s needs and the extent of the procedure. The postoperative recovery process also differs in each patient and following the surgeon’s instructions plays an important role in the success of this process.

Is Brow Lift Surgery Permanent?

The results provided by low brow lift surgery are long-lasting but cannot be characterized as completely permanent. The surgery provides a more youthful and rested facial expression by raising the position of the eyebrows. However, as the aging process continues, loosening and sagging of the skin may occur over time. The duration of the postoperative appearance may vary depending on factors such as the person’s genetic makeup, skin quality and lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle and skin care can help maintain the results of the surgery for a longer period of time. However, it is important to remember that the effects provided by low brow lift surgery may diminish over the years and may need to be repeated in some cases.

What to Pay Attention to After Brow Lift Surgery?

The things to be considered after brow lift surgery are as follows:

  • Rest: In the first few days after surgery, it is necessary to get enough rest and avoid heavy physical activity.
  • Cold Compress: Regularly applying cold compresses to the surgical site helps reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Wound Care: Wounds should be cared for according to the surgeon’s instructions and dressings should be properly maintained.
  • Medication Use: Taking medicines prescribed by a doctor on a regular basis.
  • Sun Protection: Avoiding direct exposure to the sun and using sunscreen during the healing process helps to reduce scars.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Attending follow-up appointments and following the surgeon’s recommendations are important to follow the healing process.
  • Avoiding Smoking and Alcohol Consumption: Avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption during the healing process supports faster and healthier recovery.

Eyebrow Lift Surgery Price 2024

Kaş kaldırma ameliyatı fiyatları konusunda belirli bir fiyat aralığından bahsetmek zordur. Fiyatı etkileyen faktörler arasında cerrahın tecrübesi, ameliyatın yapılacağı klinik, sunulan tıbbi hizmetlerin kalitesi sayılabilir. Ayrıca hastaların bireysel ihtiyaçları ve ameliyatın kapsamı da maliyeti etkiler. Bu sebeplerle en doğru ve güncel fiyat bilgisi almak için bireysel bir değerlendirme yapılması için bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.  Kaş kaldırma fiyatları kişiden kişiye değişebilir ve en doğru fiyat bilgisi için kişisel bir konsültasyon şarttır.

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