Revision Rhinoplasty

Why Revision Rhinoplasty is Performed

Revision rhinoplastyis a procedure performed after the first rhinoplasty operation due to the failure to achieve the desired results or some problems that occur over time. Revision rhinoplastyis performed to correct aesthetic or functional problems.

There are various reasons why a patient may need a “revision after nasal surgery“. These include asymmetry in the nasal structure, breathing difficulties or an aesthetically unsatisfactory appearance. In addition, if the healing process after the first surgery does not go as expected or changes in the nasal structure over time may also require revision.

Revision rhinoplasty can be a more complex procedure than the first operation. Therefore, patients considering revision rhinoplastyshould choose a surgeon who is particularly experienced and specialized in this field. This operation requires detailed planning and careful execution to improve the results of the previous surgery and to meet the patient’s expectations about the nose. 


Why is Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery More Difficult Than Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty surgery is considered a more challenging procedure than the initial rhinoplasty and there are several reasons for this. First of all, the changes in the nasal tissues and scar tissue after the first surgery make the revision surgery more technically complex. The nose already has a delicate structure and after the first operation, the tissues may be less flexible, making surgical intervention more difficult. In addition, changes made during the first surgery may result in limited areas to be corrected in a second operation, which limits the surgeon’s range of motion and requires more creative solutions. 

Secondly, managing patient expectations can also be a challenge in revision rhinoplasty. Patients often come to revision with results that do not fully meet their expectations from the initial surgery, and this can lead to high expectations for both aesthetic and functional improvements. This creates additional pressure for the surgeon because it is difficult to both correct the negative results of the previous surgery and meet the patient’s new expectations. In revision rhinoplasty surgeries, the goal is to make the nose more acceptable by solving obvious problems rather than a perfect result. Therefore, revision rhinoplasty is a more complex and challenging process than primary rhinoplasty, both in terms of technical skill and patient communication.

When Is Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery Performed?

Revision surgery is recommended at least one year after the first operation. During this time, the nose heals completely and takes its final shape. An early revision can be misleading as the healing process is not complete and may lead to a second operation unnecessarily. It is important to complete this period to evaluate the results of the first surgery and make a realistic plan for a possible revision.

The need for revision rhinoplasty may also vary depending on factors such as aesthetic concerns, breathing problems or structural problems. If functional problems such as breathing difficulties occur after the first surgery or if aesthetically satisfactory results are not achieved, the doctor and the patient may consider solving these problems with revision surgery.

Revision rhinoplasty requires a detailed evaluation and planning between the patient and the doctor. The patient must clearly express their expectations and the doctor must determine the most appropriate method to fulfill these expectations. This process is critical to achieving satisfactory results for the patient, as well as the safety and success of the operation.

How Is Revision Nose Surgery Performed?

How revision surgery is performed depends on the patient’s specific situation and needs. The surgeon first evaluates the patient’s nasal structure and the results of the first surgery in detail. This evaluation process is critical to determine why surgery is needed and in which areas correction is required. The duration and details of the surgery may vary depending on the patient’s needs, but it usually takes between 2-6 hours.

During the revision procedure, the surgeon can make corrections inside and outside the nose. This may include reshaping the back of the nose, nasal tip corrections or correcting breathing problems in the internal structure. The surgeon reshapes the cartilage and bone structures inside the nose to correct these problems. Sometimes, cartilage or tissue grafts taken from the patient’s body can be used to support the nasal structure and achieve a better aesthetic appearance. The grafts can be used to straighten the dorsum of the nose, reshape the tip of the nose or improve the breathing passages inside the nose. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and its duration may vary depending on the complexity of the procedure.

The surgeon’s goal in revision surgery is to achieve a more satisfactory result both aesthetically and functionally. It is normal for patients to feel swelling, bruising and mild pain after surgery.

Swelling and bruising increase in the first two days and reach their maximum level after 48 hours. They completely disappear within a few weeks. However, full recovery may take several weeks.

What to Consider in the Recovery Process of Revision Rhinoplasty? 

The things to be considered during the recovery process of revision rhinoplasty surgery are important to ensure that the operation is successful and comfortable. You should follow the surgeon’s instructions meticulously after the surgery. It is important to clean the nasal area, use prescribed medications and avoid certain activities. 

Resting and keeping your head elevated during the first few days helps to minimize swelling. It is important to avoid heavy physical activity and exercise during the recovery period after surgery, as such exertion can damage your healing nose.

It is important to avoid moving your face and nose too much during the healing process. It is important to attend the follow-up appointments organized by the surgeon to follow your healing process and to express any concerns. Especially in the first three months, it is very important to protect your nose from trauma and not to wear glasses. 

Swelling and bruising are normal, but you can manage these by applying cold compresses and keeping your head elevated, especially in the early days. It is also important to avoid direct exposure to sunlight as it can increase swelling and cause changes in skin color.

Revision Rhinoplasty Prices

Revision nose surgery price varies according to the complexity of the initial surgery and the special interventions required for revision surgery. The main factors influencing this pricing include the experience of the surgeon, the clinic where the surgery will be performed and the quality of the services provided. Revision surgeries are usually more complex and time-consuming, so they are usually more costly than initial rhinoplasty operations.

Ayrıca ameliyatın kapsamına bağlı olarak kullanılacak malzemeler, ameliyat süresi ve ameliyat sonrası gerekebilecek ek tedaviler de fiyatı etkileyen diğer faktörlerdendir. Hastaların, revizyon ameliyatı öncesinde detaylı bir maliyet analizi yapmaları ve potansiyel ek masrafları göz önünde bulundurmaları önemlidir.

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