Masseter Botulinum Toxin Treatment (Teeth Clenching)

What is Masseter Botulinum Toxin Application?

Masseter botulinum toksini, çene kaslarının (masseter kaslarının) boyutunu ve aktivitesini azaltmak için kullanılan bir tedavidir. Bu işlem özellikle çene kaslarının aşırı gelişmesi sonucu oluşan estetik sorunları düzeltmek veya diş gıcırdatma (bruksizm) rahatsızlıklarını hafifletmek amacıyla yapılır. Tedavi sırasında masseter kaslarına botulinum toksin enjeksiyonu yapılır. Enjeksiyon kasların gücünü geçici olarak azaltarak yüzün daha ince ve daha dengeli bir görünüm kazanmasına yardımcı olur. Ayrıca, bu tedavi bruksizmin neden olduğu aşırı kas gerginliğini ve ağrıyı azaltabilir. Masseter botulinum toksin tedavisi, deneyimli bir sağlık profesyoneli tarafından yapılmalı ve tedaviye başlamadan önce kapsamlı bir değerlendirme yapılmalıdır. Tedavi sırasında herhangi bir ağrı hissedilmez ancak herhangi bir yan etki veya komplikasyon olması durumunda hemen bir sağlık profesyoneline başvurmak önemlidir.


Masseter Botulinum Toksin Uygulaması Kimlere Yapılır?

Masseter botulinum toxin application (jaw botox) offers an effective solution, especially for individuals who experience teeth clenching treatment and nighttime sleep clenching (bruxism). This treatment prevents the teeth from being exposed to excessive pressure by relaxing the overactive masseter muscles, thus protecting dental and jaw health. The procedure is also preferred to correct unwanted aesthetic appearances in the lower part of the face. For example, in cases of widening in the lower part of the face due to overdeveloped jaw muscles, square facial appearance and associated masculine expression.

Masseter botulinum toxin application for teeth clenching treatment is especially suitable for people who clench their teeth unconsciously during sleep at night and experience discomfort such as jaw pain and headache due to this situation. It can also be an effective solution for those who unconsciously clench their teeth during the daytime and experience overload and pain in the jaw joints as a result.

This treatment is suitable for healthy adults and it is important to have a thorough health assessment before starting treatment. Masseter botulinum toxin administration may not be suitable for individuals who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have certain health conditions. People considering this treatment are therefore advised to consult a healthcare professional to see if it is suitable for their condition and to get more information about the procedure.

How is Masseter Botulinum Toxin Treatment Performed?

Masseter botulinum toxin treatment is a simple and fast procedure. First, the patient’s jaw structure and the condition of the masseter muscles are evaluated. This evaluation ensures that the treatment plan is made correctly. During the treatment process, botulinum toxin is injected directly into the masseter muscles using a fine needle. This injection reduces the overactivity of the muscles and allows them to relax. This helps to reduce clenching and related discomfort.

This injection into the masseter muscles temporarily reduces the strength of the muscles, which provides both aesthetic and functional benefits. The effect of the treatment begins to be felt within a few days on average and lasts for several months.

What are the Advantages of Masseter Botulinum Toxin Application?

The advantages of masseter botulinum toxin application can be listed as follows:

  • Treatment for Teeth Clenching and Bruxism: The treatment effectively alleviates conditions such as clenching and bruxism, helping to reduce jaw and tooth pain.
  • Aesthetic Improvement: By relaxing the overdeveloped masseter muscles, it allows the face to gain a slimmer and more balanced appearance, which offers a significant aesthetic improvement.
  • Preventing Wear and Tear: Masseter therapy can prevent wear and tear on teeth over time due to overuse of the jaw muscle. It also prevents the development of wear and tear on the jaw joint.

How Permanent is Botulinum Toxin Application?

On average, the effect lasts between 3 and 6 months. This duration may vary from person to person and depends on the activity level of the muscles. As the effect of the treatment begins to wane, muscle activity gradually returns to normal and a repeat treatment may be necessary. For the continuity and effectiveness of the treatment, it is recommended that patients renew the treatment at regular intervals.

Chin (Massater) Botox Prices 2024

Botulinum toksin fiyatları çeşitli faktörlere bağlı olarak değişkenlik gösterir. Fiyatlandırma, uygulanan bölgenin genişliği, kullanılan toksin miktarı ve tedaviyi yapan uzmanın deneyimi gibi unsurlara göre belirlenir. Ayrıca, tedavinin yapıldığı klinik veya merkez de fiyatları etkileyebilir. Bu nedenle en doğru ve güncel fiyat bilgisi için bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

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